Meet the team
Our team has a fantastic mix of backgrounds and experiences, and has come together to bring Well-led to your practices and PCNs.
Dr Clare Sieber
Practising GP in West Sussex and a CEDR-accredited commercial, civil, and workplace mediator.
Her work involves working for and alongside GP Partnerships, Practices, acute trusts, PCNs and Federations.
Clare has held executive level positions at several LMCs, and sat on the BMA's General Practitioners Committee.
Gabi Ashton
With over 14 years experience working for the CQC and with CQC regulated services, Gabi has completed many inspections of Health and Social Care Services services ranging from Inadequate to Outstanding.
Gabi now works independently and specialises in providing compliance support to demystify the CQC's regulations and requirements.
Gary Hughes
An experienced leader, director and manager with an MBA and a PGCMDE, Gary has a passion for developing the leadership and management skills of individuals and organisations.
PCN Board Manager with 15 years of experience as a practice manager and founder of a GP federation, working nationally to support practices and PCNs with organisational development, leadership and education.
Dr Ketan Bhatt
A GP with extensive leadership experience and qualifications. He has been a partner for the past 15 years, locality lead (having also been a PCN clinical director) and is a director of his local federation.
He also works as a mediator and facilitator to health care teams, and a medical adviser to the health tech industry.
Ketan is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified practitioner and has PGCert in leadership.
©2023 The Well-Led Provider Limited
Company Number 14724200